Front Page

Even More Backpacks for Bearcats

News Bearcats PTO  9-30 Cheyanne Sanchez and Denicia Sanchez.     The Ray Bearcats Parent-Teacher Organization will be handing out backpacks for students at the Kearny Fire Department on Alden Road. Three dates have been arranged to make sure every...

Copper Corridor Coalition to host National Night Out Oct. 5-9

National Night Out   Wish your town, or your neighborhood, was a safer and more caring place to live and raise your family? Get involved with National Night Out! Events are planned in communities across America, Copper Corridor Coalition has a week's worth of...

Superior Police Department joins Overdose Fatality Review Board

Joyce LopezSgt. Sam Sosa  The abuse of opiates, both legal and illegal, has reached crisis proportions. Overdoses of opioid drugs are epidemic. The United States Government National Institute for Health/National Institute on Drug Abuse reported in 2018 that...

Copper Corridor Schools Plan for In-Person Learning

  Schools across the Copper Corridor have been grappling with how to educate and teach the children of their districts through the pandemic.  Finding ways that best met the needs of the their communities and teacher and meeting the requirements of the State...

Free Little Pantry to host grand opening

 The Grand Opening of the neighborhood “Free Little Pantry” will be held Thursday, Sept. 24, 2020 at the Butterfly Garden in Oracle. Artists put the final touches on the Free Little Pantry that has taken up residence in the Butterfly Garden on American Avenue in...

Local Superintendent Says, Wake Up Arizona

I am writing this as a concerned citizen and superintendent who wants my students back in school. I know we are all tired of the coronavirus and just want to go back to a normal life. Me, too. But we are not where we should or could be at this time. Our collective...

AIA adjusts metric to begin competition between teams

By Andrew Luberda Copper Area News   About two weeks ago, the Arizona Interscholastic Association announced a geographical area needed 10 people or fewer per 100,000 test positive for COVID-19 to play games in contact sports such football and soccer. Last week,...

Superior Police welcome new officer to their ranks

Jessica Brown is Superior’s newest full time officer.   The Town of Superior has a new full-time police officer. Jessica Brown was hired on Aug. 31, 2020, and will be replacing an officer who will be retiring soon.   Jessica was born in Auckland, New Zealand...