Front Page

Mammoth home lost in fire; firefighters battle blaze in record heat

    A late afternoon fire has left one Mammoth couple homeless.   On June 8, 2022, at approximately 4:45 p.m., firefighters from Pinal Rural Fire & Medical District were dispatched to the scene of a structure fire in the 17000 block of Inspiration...

The Garden is planted!

  The Kearny Public Garden personal and public area is planted!   Produce will be shared, given away or sold throughout the season.    Right now, summer squash is ready to eat!   Next cucumbers, beans, peas – come on over to the...

Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce seats new board

  A plea for new members and a new board of directors for the Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce was well answered.   More than 55 people attended the reorganizational meeting June 6 at the General Kearny Inn. The meeting was an attempt to encourage an...

Top Graduates RUSD Class of 2022

This year the Ray High School class of 2022 will have three valedictorians and one salutatorian.  These graduates shared a their future plans and wishes for their community.  Their high school careers were dramatically disrupted due to COVID-19, an...

Hayden Police searching for suspect in shooting

On April 17, 2022, at 2:30 a.m., Hayden Police were dispatched to 900 Gila Avenue in Winkelman (The Winkelman Flats Park) in response to a shooting that had just occurred. Upon arrival, responding officers secured the scene and began an immediate search for the...

Second Annual Gila River Music Festival returns to Kearny April 22-23

 The Gila River Music Festival features a diverse lineup of musical talent, food trucks, vendors and artists. Bring a chair and sit outdoors and enjoy the atmosphere or take a dip in the Gila River. There is something for everyone to enjoy. It is an all age’s...

Investing elevated in the Town of Superior, Arizona

  Superior has recently received a total of $4.25 million appropriation from the federal government for two important projects for the future of this small rural desert community.   Mayor Mila Besich and Councilman Gilbert Aguilar recently returned from a...

Mayor’s Minute: Four Years and Counting

Last Monday, I submitted my packet to seek another term as Mayor of Superior.  Since September 2016, it has been an honor and privilege to have served the residents of this very special community, and I am looking forward to continuing my service for the next...