Front Page

Lock your doors, sheriff’s office says

  A string of thefts from residences in San Manuel has the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office reminding folks to make sure their storage rooms, sheds and vehicle doors are locked, and recommending other safety measures be taken to protect personal belongings.  ...

Dr. Robert Paul Brower

       Dr. Robert Paul Brower passed away Nov. 3, 2023, at The Cottages Memory Center in Tucson, Arizona at the age of 95. He was born Sept. 2, 1928.   He is fondly remembered as a Family Practitioner in San Manuel where he started his...

FBLA Fill-a-Bowl raises money for Superior Food Bank

    The Superior High School Future Business Leaders of America student organization hosted the tastiest fundraiser of the year!  For the past nine years, minus a two-year hiatus due to COVID restrictions, student leaders from FBLA have hosted this...

Denogeans first to send letters to Santa for Christmas

    Santa Claus has once again teamed up with the Superior Sun and Save Money Market to collect the letters for all Superior children who want to send their letters to Santa.    Gunner and Kaylee Denogean have prepared their letters to Santa Claus...

LOST’s Luminaria Hike scheduled for Saturday

    The Legends of Superior Trails (LOST) will be hosting its Third Annual Luminaria Hike on the Queen Creek Canyon segment of the LOST trail.    Participants are encouraged to begin their hike around dusk, the luminarias will be set out earlier in...

Siblings are first to send letters to Santa

    Siblings Iris Rios and Aaiden Flowers are the first in the Copper Basin area to mail their letters to Santa Claus.   Iris, who is 4 years old, wants dolls for Christmas. Aaiden, who is 8 years old, would like a Tails plushy. The two are the children...

Learning what Thanksgiving means to our youngest readers

 This Thanksgiving, we at Copper Area News are happy to bring back a classic holiday section that involves interviewing local children about the holiday.   Copper Area News reporter, Lauren R. Carnes, had the pleasure of interviewing children from the span...