Copper Town News

CASA of Gila County welcomes new Court Appointed Special Advocate

  CASA of Gila County welcomed Christine Leonard as a new Court Appointed Special Advocate on Dec. 8, 2020. Christine completed her Oath of Office before the Hon. Judge Timothy M. Wright in Globe, Arizona.  This Oath certifies completion of 30 hours of pre-service...

Magma Avenue: filling with businesses

  If you have not driven by Magma Avenue recently then you may not have noticed several new businesses that have located on the first few blocks.    This past weekend, parking spaces were full and foot traffic increased on Magma Avenue, following the opening of...

Halloween 2020 – COVID Edition

  Halloween is usually marked with several traditions in the Town of Superior: the annual Halloween Costume parade, Trunk or Treating, Witches’ Dance and brunches, school festivals and so much more!    While COVID-19 is still affecting the Town of Superior and...

Story Halloween contest 10-28

Dare you Enter? (Or: The Importance of Reading Newspapers and Flyers, Often)    She thought it was a friendly town when she passed through. As she ate a quick breakfast in a local restaurant, she read the newspaper. Not her usual choice of breakfast companionship, but...

Gila County CASA Receives Award through Victims of Crime Act Funding

  CASA of Southern Gila County has once again been awarded a three-year grant through the federal Victims of Crime Act managed through AZ Department of Public Safety. This grant funding source has provided an opportunity for the southern section of the county to be...