Copper Town News

Curtis Stacy announces candidacy for Kearny Council

  I cannot count the times people have asked Darla and I “why did you move back to Kearny”.  It’s a fair question, I mean we could have lived anywhere we wanted; we actually chose to live here.  I believe that Darla would agree that it was a real...

Court Appointed Special Advocates needed throughout Gila County

  The CASA of Gila County program is in dire need of additional volunteers to serve as Court Appointed Special Advocates for children in Gila County communities.  Currently, there are eighty children in out of home care in Gila County. This means there are...

Gila County residents: voice your opinion and get a free lunch, too

  How often does anyone ask your opinion – and also offer that rarest of rarities: a genuine free lunch? Hayden residents who care about their community will share their thoughts Tuesday at a lunchtime forum. Their comments will be anonymous; future focus group...

Arizona deploys hundreds of firefighters to California wildfires

  The State of California is calling for help and Arizona is ready to answer that call.   Recently, the Arizona Department of Forestry and Fire Management received multiple orders for personnel and equipment to head to California to help with more than a...

Rep. Tom O’Halleran to visit Superior

  Representative Tom O’Halleran, Congressional District One will be visiting the Superior Senior Center on Wednesday, Aug. 8, 2018.  He will be at the Center at noon to visit and share updates from the federal government.    Local voters are...

HLI-Copper Corridor opens registration for 2018 cohort

  The Copper Corridor Economic Development Coalition (CCEDC) is pleased to announce that the registration is now open for the 2018 Valle del Sol HLI-Copper Corridor leadership academy.  The 10 week course will begin on Monday, Sept. 24 at 6 p.m.  The...