CASAs Pat Moore, Susan Moore, Diana Wheeler, Monika Sneezy, Amanda Moors and Coordinator Emily Nader.

  On Wednesday, Jan. 15, 2020 the CASA of Gila County program held a CASA appreciation event at the Globe CASA Office. The volunteers were presented with a lanyard pin that represents the number of years they have been advocating for youth in foster care from Gila County communities.  Margret Celix-22 Years, Diana Wheeler-9 years, Pat Moore and Susan Moore-2 years, and Monika Sneezy- 1 Year.   

  “We are extremely grateful for our advocates in Gila County,” remarked CASA Coordinator Emily Nader. “Our volunteers dedicate their time, energy and heart to children who are in out- of-home care due to abuse or neglect at absolutely no fault of their own.”

  More volunteers are still needed in Gila County. 

  “Our volunteers go above and beyond to advocate for what the CASA assigned child needs while they are in care,” Mrs. Nader continued, “But we are still desperately in need of additional volunteers to meet the goal of an advocate for every child in out-of-home care within Gila County.” 

  Become a CASA volunteer today. Court Appointed Special Advocates are everyday community members who donate their time to be the voice for a child. CASA volunteers visit with the children regularly, filling that mentor role. They follow the progress of the child’s court case, interview important people in the child’s life, and report their observations back to the court so the judge can make informed decisions on behalf of the child.

  No specific background or training is needed to become a CASA volunteer. Anyone 21 years of age or older, who can pass a thorough background check and complete 30 hours of free training, is encouraged to apply. For more information, visit Follow us on Facebook