CASA of Gila County

  CASA of Gila County is hosting two free trainings in Globe/Miami on Nov. 2, 2018 at Cobre Valley Regional Medical Center in the Turquoise Room.

  The morning training will begin at 10:30 a.m. Justine Jimmie, Deputy Attorney General for the San Carlos Apache Tribe will present on the “Indian Child Welfare Act and other related matters”.

  The afternoon session will be on “LGBTQ Foster Children Cultural Competency: Standards of Care”. This curriculum will help anyone attending learn how THEY CAN make a difference in the life of a foster LGBTQ youth! Join us and learn the importance of improving child welfare practice with LGBTQ youth and the impact of LGBTQ youth in the foster/adoptive care system. Learn and understand personal, religious, and cultural views and values that influence perspectives on LGBTQ youth and develop strategies that balance personal beliefs while providing a safe space our LGBTQ foster youth. Learn how the easy state and federal laws are violated and how you can protect the rights of LGBTQ foster youth. Terminology associated with sexual orientation, sexual orientation and gender will be discussed in addition to communication strategies for youth and families. Learn how to manage day to day issues that arise in the foster/adoptive home for LGBTQ youth. Learn how and why many LGBTQ youth are closeted in the system and learn cues to help identify those closeted, as well as, how to convey to them are safe with you! Learn how to assess, support, and affirm a young person in the process of “coming out” and how to advocate for LGBTQ young people in their home, school, foster/adoptive care setting and community. Helpful handouts and resources are provided to attendees.

  These trainings are open to the public and all who work with, care for, or have an interest in helping our youth in foster care. These trainings are made possible by a grant from the National CASA Association.

  Please RSVP by contacting: Emily Leverance or 928-402-4427.