CASA of Gila County

(Globe, Ariz.—Sept. 1, 2018) On September 8th grandparents around the nation will be honored for all the love and support they give to children in their lives but the Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) Program of Gila County would like to especially honor the grandparents in our community who’ve taken in grandchildren who were abused or neglected.

  In Arizona 44 percent of kids in foster care are living with kin, either a blood relative or an adult with whom the child has a significant relationship, according to a Department of Child Safety report. Many of these kinship care providers include grandparents who’ve opened their homes to their grandchildren who have been abused or neglected.

  While the state does provide many services to kinship caregivers, especially those who get licensed through the state, many are taken by surprise and are unsure where they can turn for support. For the thousands of children in unlicensed kinship care placements the average monthly reimbursement is only $45.60.

  Court Appointed Special Advocates are every day community members who volunteer their time to be an advocate for children in the foster care system. When appointed to a case of a kinship care provider CASA advocates are often able to connect them with the support and services they need to care for their children.

  The CASA Program works because CASA advocates are able to focus on one case at a time, while most paid professionals in the foster care system have caseloads that are difficult to manage. The CASA advocate visits the child monthly and reports back to the judge with what’s happening in the case and their recommendations for moving forward. The CASA advocate’s unique outsider perspective helps them effectively advocate for the best interests of the child.

  This Grandparents Day, CASA of Gila County encourages everyone to honor the caregivers in their life by volunteering to help a child in need. For more information on the CASA Program visit or call the Globe CASA office at 928-402-4427 or the Payson office at 928-474-7145.