Jovanna Calzadillas
On the evening of Saturday, Oct. 1, Jovanna Martinez-Calzadillas and her husband were attending a concert in Las Vegas. Jovanna was one of the victims of a mass shooting that occurred that night. She is undergoing intensive physical therapy and continues to improve daily.
On Saturday, Feb. 3, a benefit golf tournament for Jovanna Martinez-Calzadillas will be held at the Hayden Municipal Golf Course, with a shotgun start of 10 a.m. All proceeds will go to Jovanna’s medical expenses. It will be a 4-Man Scramble format, with one “A” player allowed per team (Handicap 0-11 equals an A player). Cost is $40 per player. There will be a Money Hole special event. Food and drink will be sold.
For more information on this event, call Adrian Bravo at 520-222-5027, Peter Yslas at 480-458-8091 and Bob Lorona at 520-331-9236. For golf carts, call Bob Lorona a.s.a.p.
If you are interested in sponsoring a hole contact Michelle Gonzales at 480-888-6598. To donate a cake for a cake walk, call Mercy Avechuco Lopez at 520-440-9382. If you want to donate for food and drink sales, call Maribel Perez at 928-812-3152, Lorenia Lopez at 520-490-5837, or Robert or Lillian Martinez at 520-904-3791.