Preschool students head to class.

Monday, Aug. 24, 2020 was the first day of school for 18 Pre-K four-year-old students. The students are split up into two classes, one with 8 students and one with 10 students. They are the only students being taught in the classroom setting on Mountain Vista’s campus. Safety precautions are in place including the taking of temperatures upon arrival, hand washing, social distancing and sanitizing of the classrooms. The students are not required to wear face masks although some do. The children looked happy this morning as they arrived and saw some of their friends and school staff!

Cataleya and Mrs. Messing

Kindergarten student Cataleya pays attention to her teacher Mrs. Messing on the computer. She also was excited and happy about being able to see her school friends on line! 

Back to school at Mountain Vista.

It was back to school week at Mt. Vista. On Tuesday and Wednesday, parents and students could pick up their class materials. Thursday, Aug.  20, was the first day of school for online learning.