Caption: Community members and Ore Town Solar Project stakeholders discuss specifics of the planned project.
By T.C. Brown
Staff members from Avantus, BHP and Pinal County Supervisor Jeffrey McClure were on hand at the Open House to answer questions, address concerns, and provide input regarding the proposed solar farm project on approximately 1,200 acres of previously disturbed BHP land. Several topics were presented and discussed with community members in attendance.
Solar as a Neighbor
- A utility-scale solar facility has a low-height profile, generates no emissions or odors, produces minimal noise, and uses only small amounts of water.
- Long, continuous rows of solar panels will be installed behind an existing security fence, with the panels rotating throughout the day.
- Their height typically ranges between 6 to 10 feet above the ground, depending on the angle of rotation.
- The battery systems are housed in modular metal structures that resemble standard shipping containers.
- Once constructed, little to no daily traffic would be produced.
Visual Photos Simulations were on display to show what the Ore Town Solar Project is expected to look like. More information can be found at https://www.oretownsolar.com/visual-simulations.
Here are some of the questions answered:
Why here?
“This location offers abundant sunshine and proximity to the existing San Manuel Substation, which will connect to the project to the regional electric grid. It is also providing new life and generating economic value from the land previously used by the San Manuel Copper Mine.”
Where will the power go?
“The Ore Town solar project would connect to Arizona’s electric grid, improving grid resiliency throughout the region. While the project has not contracted with an energy buyer or utility yet, it is estimated to provide enough clean energy to provide power for approximately 35,000 Arizona homes.”
Community Benefit?
“Ore Town Solar would create jobs and offer a massive boost to local tax revenue without requiring the community to incur costly new services. This infusion of tax resources, estimated to generate tens of millions over the project’s operating life, could provide essential funding for services like education, fire districts and emergency services. Additionally, the project is expected to create over 200 peak construction jobs, with local hires prioritized.”
Visual Impact?
“We believe viewsheds will be minimally impacted given the solar equipment has a low-profile, around 6 to 10 feet tall, or about the height of a privacy fence. The battery systems resemble the size and shape of standard shipping containers.”
BHP’s Role?
“BHP owns the land the project would be sited on. With the mine now closed, the company is hoping to repurpose the land in a clean and economical way.”
Increase in energy bills?
“No. Local electricity rates are not expected to be directly impacted by this project.”
Project Cost to Community?
“The project is expected to bring significant economic benefits to the region. Throughout construction, the project will create new job opportunities, and provide a boost to local restaurants and business. Over the project’s operating life, it’s expected to generate significant local and state tax revenues to fund essential public services like education, fire districts and emergency services.”
Fire Risk and Safety Concerns?
“Avantus will coordinate closely with the San Manuel Fire District throughout the design, construction, and testing phases to ensure the project adheres to safety standards.
“Avantus and project partners will prepare and maintain a comprehensive emergency response plan and will train all first responders on emergency procedures for a solar power plant and energy storage system.
“The project will be monitored for any warning signs of potential issues. In the unlikely event of a fire, batteries are designed to prevent a spread beyond the project site. Projects include a minimum 100-foot clearance between battery containers and other buildings, public roads, and combustible material such as vegetation. This buffer also helps protect against high winds or wildfires.”
Project Life?
“After the project life has been completed, the equipment would be removed and the land available for other uses. The project will have contractual agreements with the landowner and county that address the decommissioning of the plant and restoration of the land.”
More information and answers to FAQs can be found at https://www.oretownsolar.com/faqs.
The project is currently moving through the permitting process and is currently scheduled for construction in 2026-2027.
The community is encouraged to share ideas on community development and partnership opportunities, by contacting Avantus directly at 520-527-2168, emailing them at oretownsolar@swca.com or through the form online at https://www.oretownsolar.com/contact-us.
The first step in the approval process for this proposed project is a public hearing by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors. This hearing is scheduled for Oct. 30, 2024, at 9:30 a.m. The hearing will be held at the Pinal County Administrative Complex in the Board of Supervisors Hearing Room. This is located at 135 N. Pinal St., Florence, AZ. This hearing is to determine if the supervisors will approve the Comprehensive Plan Amendment to amend the land use designation from Moderate Low Density Residential to Green Energy Production. A link to hearing information can be found at https://www.pinal.gov/Calendar.aspx?EID=1826
To qualify for further notification in this land matter you must file with the Planning Department a written Statement of support or opposition to the subject application.
Your statement must contain the following information:
- Planning Case Number. PZ-PA-005-24
- Your name, address, telephone number and property tax parcel number.
- A brief statement of reasons for supporting or opposing the request.
- Whether or not you wish to appear and be heard at the hearing.
Written statements must be filed with: Pinal County Development Services Department, PO Box 749 (85 N Florence St.), Florence, AZ 85132
Contact for this matter: Monika Smriti – Planner, E-mail address: monika.smriti@pinal.gov, Phone # (520) 866-6294