The Nov. 21 Redhawk community ‘meeting’ was exactly what we’ve come to expect: an open house designed to prevent true community dialogue and interaction. The parking lot – jammed with logo-filled, vendor pickups 40 minutes before the open house started – also proved...
Ray High School’s annual Senior Interview Day was held on Monday, Nov. 25. All seniors participated in a mock interview with former Ray High School graduates who have gone on to be successful in their chosen field. Seniors have to present themselves as if it were a...
A group of pilots, students and flight instructors from Superior Soaring glided into the Kearny Airport last week for a visit to the local airstrip. Dan Radcliffe and Doug Riggins from the Kearny Municipal Airport were on hand to greet them. ‘We hope to build a...
Santa Claus has once again teamed up with the Superior Sun and Save Money Market to collect the letters for all Superior children who want to send their letters to Santa. Xzaylea “Zay Zay” Membrila was the first to write her letter to Santa Claus and wants to...
Lawrence Duke, who is 5, was the first to mail his letter to Santa Clause in one of the special Santa Letter mailboxes. Lawrence would really love for Santa to bring him a Nintendo Switch for Christmas. He is the son of Daniella and Lawrence Duke of San Manuel....