The next quarterly Community Working Group (CWG) meeting for the proposed Resolution Copper mining project near Superior, Arizona, will be Wednesday, Dec. 11, starting at 6 p.m. Agenda items include: updates on BHP Mining’s Voluntary Soil Remediation Program in...
Dig out your ugly sweaters and get ready for cold time in the old town this Saturday night, and throughout this holiday season. The Town of Kearny and Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce have announced the cornucopia of delights in store for the citizens and friendly...
The holiday season is once again upon us. It is easy to get caught up planning long trips into the metro areas for the latest deals at big box retailers. But right here in our own communities of the Copper Corridor you can find an assortment of gifts, services and...
Come hear the Centennial Band Brass play a little Christmas music at 6 p.m. on Friday, Dec. 13, at Bullion Plaza Cultural Center & Museum in Miami, wish your friends a Merry Christmas, then come hear some wonderful stories of some very interesting people in...
University of Arizona Cooperative Learning Office has announced a series of classes ‘Introduction to the Med Way: 7 Simple Steps to Eating the Med Way’, which they are offering in January of 2025, to be held at St. Helens Church, located at 66 E. Maplewood St. in...