Sam and Carol Hosler with Arizona Trail hiker Karts Huseonica.

  Recently, Kearny community leaders Carol and Sam Hosler hosted adventurer Art “Karts” Huseonica who is attempting to set an Arizona Trail record.

  Huseonica is hiking south on the Arizona Trail after having thru-hiked the trail earlier this year from Mexico to Utah. If successful, at age 67, he will be the oldest hiker to yo-yo the trail. 

  “Completing the round-trip hike in one year has only been accomplished by two other hikers, a couple in their twenties,” said Huseonica. “To set a record for senior citizen hikers will be my most enduring accomplishment.”

  He will be taking advantage of free shuttle service from the trailhead that several local businesses and individuals offer. His Kearny visit will include a lot of resupply shopping and catching up on eating to regain some lost weight.

  “I’m so happy that Karts is able to enjoy several days of Keany hospitality,” said Carol Hosler. “We’re an Arizona Trail Gateway Community and love to help the hikers. After all, Kearny is the ‘Friendliest Town On the Arizona Trail.'”

  When Huseonica received the invitation, he didn’t hesitate to respond positively. “I loved my first to Kearny earlier this year,” he said. “I hope to return many more times after this, but probably by car.”

  Huseonica recently filmed an adventure show with Bear Grylls, has set a solo, double-traverse record of Death Valley, and was a member of a modern era record-setting 4,200 mile expedition on the Amazon River. He lives in Sun City with his wife Karen Carlsen Huseonica.