Recent fires and lack of rain have affected the lives of the birds and animals that live in the forest surrounding Superior. Naturally, the Boyce Thompson Arboretum serves as a respite for these animals and the staff and guests often find a variety of animals and birds who visit the Arboretum to find food and shelter.
On Friday morning, Arboretum staff found an injured coyote that had been hit by a car on US Hwy. 60 near the Arboretum. The Arboretum staff was able to bring the injured animal to safety and call Southwest Conservation Center in the Valley. Southwest Conservation Center reported back to the Arboretum that this female Coyote will make a full recovery and once her legs are healed she will be released back into the wild.
Plan your trip to the Arboretum to have a save and socially distant place to recreate. The Arboretum will also be celebrating the grand opening of the Wallace Garden in October. Learn more about how to book your tour of the garden online: http://bit.ly/WallaceGarden. There are also several different membership packages available inquire online at: https://www.btarboretum.org