Every 10 years the nationwide census cements population counts for Globe and Miami – for Gila County – the state of Arizona and the nation. Increases and decreases in population can reshape political district boundaries; they can even add or subtract from a state’s delegation to the US Congress.
Will Gila County’s three districts remain the same or be re-drawn?
Apply by before Sept. 3 if you’d like to be involved in the volunteer redistricting advisory committee. Interested applicants who have questions are welcome to call District 3 Supervisor Woody Cline (928) 402-8511; or email wcline@gilacountyaz.gov
If you’re unfamiliar with Gila County’s district maps and precincts, explore gilacountyaz.gov/government/elections/maps.php.
Next month the Board of Supervisors will appoint a citizen’s advisory committee to begin the process of redistricting to ensure a fair and equitable distribution of the population in federal, state, and local government voting districts. Guidelines were adopted to support a fair and unbiased redistricting, to assist the Board of Supervisors in a fair and unbiased selection process of redistricting advisory committee members, and to provide a better understanding of the role of committee members. Gila County residents interested in applying to serve on the volunteer committee will need submit their letter of interest and the self-disclosure form. The letter of interest and self-disclosure form can be emailed or dropped off to your district’s county supervisor explaining why you are enthused to be serve, listing your areas of expertise – and what qualifies you to serve on the committee, along with any additional information the board of supervisors should consider in their selection process. The Redistricting Advisory Committee application information and self-disclosure form is available as a download from gilacountyaz.gov. Deadline to apply is Sept. 3. The Board of Supervisors plans to announce committee appointments at the meeting on Sept. 21.