Each year the Copper Basin is blessed with the influx of all our winter residents. They come from all over – Minnesota, Colorado, Michigan, Iowa, etc. – with a few Canadians thrown in for good measure. Many of them have been coming here for years, and recently I have come across some winter residents who have only recently discovered us. All of them appreciate the warmth, the scenery, the outdoor activities, and all the benefits of small town living. Yes, they appreciate going to the post office and seeing friends, going to local sports events, worshiping in our churches, and taking part in our local celebrations.

Sam Hosler

  There has been another influx of new residents, the contractors who are working on the smelter renovation in Hayden. Many of them have brought their families. They are living in RV parks and in area houses. They, too, have much to offer the Copper Basin. I like the way they have quickly made local friends, and the neighborly way that they have made their presence known. They, too, appreciate this part of Arizona and our small town life. When the project in Hayden is over and they will have to move on, it will be hard to say goodbye.

  The Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce Director, Veronica Bracamonte, reports that the Women’s EXPO slated for Saturday, Feb. 24, at the Hayden Schools district lobby, will be offering all kids of merchandise, food, samples, speakers, and events. There will even be free haircuts for children from noon until 1 p.m. The whole shebang begins with the doors opening at 11 a.m.

  Area churches are preparing for Ash Wednesday and the season of Lent, the time leading up to Easter. Easter comes earlier this year, and so the preparations come earlier as well.

  The folks at The Church of the Good Shepherd in Kearny are offering their annual Shrove Tuesday Pancake Dinner on Tuesday, Feb. 13. It’s all-you-can-eat pancakes along with sausage and beverages.  Members are out selling tickets for $5 (adult) and $3 (child). Kids two and under eat for free! Tickets will also be available at the door. The next day, which is Ash Wednesday, Feb. 14, the congregation will offer an Ash Wednesday service.

  Pioneer Days in the Copper Basin will be held Thursday through Sunday, March 15-18. Are you getting ready? We’re celebrating mining this year, so get your organization to come up with a good idea for a parade float. The parade is Saturday, March 17, with a 9 a.m. lineup. Our local merchants might want to get together and develop specials for that day (and through the week, for that matter). And remember that there is a sanctioned horseshoe tournament at the Elks Lodge that weekend, with people coming from all over Arizona to take part.

  Finally, be sure to take advantage of the Second Saturday Free Dump Day at the transfer station outside Kearny. Appliances and tires are accepted. Wood and yard waste can be placed on the burn pile, as long as there are no nails or other metals. Oleander trimmings cannot be accepted, either. Every else can be thrown into the large rolloff containers. Say “thank you” to the folks helping you that day. They’re all volunteers, working to make this a better place. And get there early, because once the containers are full the gates will have to be closed.