Roxanna Fuerstenberg, the English teacher at Ray High School, won one of the table decorations made especially for the teachers, administration and staff of the schools in Kearny when they were honored by the people of The Church of the Good Shepherd last week. The church also held a breakfast for educators in the Hayden/Winkelman schools.

Three months from now, on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, the 100th anniversary of the Armistice ending World War I, “the war to end all wars,” will be marked.

  When I was seven years old and looking forward to trick or treating on Halloween, my grandmother offered me the use of the costume my father wore at the age of seven. It was a realistic U.S. Army uniform, complete with leggings, all the buttons, and the cap. My father wore it out to ask for candy just a few days before the war was ended.

  As I went to all the houses in my own town, many people called me inside for a better look at my costume. Some of them were veterans of World War I, some of World War II. The Korean War was still in progress.

  At my age, I had little concept of war and certainly no concept of death. I started to learn about death when I attended the funeral of Jim Mahone, a Hualapai veteran and Seligman resident who served under General Crook in the Apache Wars. A volley of rifle shots shattered the respectful silence of the people, and the bugle sounded Taps. I will never forget that day.

  The public schools of the Copper Basin are now in session. All last week the teachers, administrators and staff worked together and individually to have everything in readiness. The people of Church of the Good Shepherd in Kearny served a meal in both Kearny and Hayden/Winkelman to demonstrate support for the educators in their special work.

  This year, for the first time, Ray Schools will serve a free breakfast for all students Monday through Thursday. The breakfasts for Pre-K through 6th grade begin at 7:30 a.m. and 7th grades through High School will be served at 7:45 a.m. All the people serving the meals are happy with this development.

Ray Schools are requesting that all parents of school children mark their calendars for Thursday, Aug. 16, for the school Open House. A celebratory cookout will be held in the high school courtyard at 5:30 p.m. for everyone, and from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. the teachers will be available to conference with the parents. This is an important part of getting the school year underway.

  Hayden/Winkelman Schools are similarly sponsoring a Meet the Teachers night this Thursday, Aug. 9, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m.

  On Thursday, Aug. 16, all interested people are invited to a potluck meal, chamber information session and social mixer at The General Kearny Inn’s banquet room on Alden Road in Kearny. Bring a dish to share. Beverages will be sold. This gathering will be informational and fun, with prizes given out.

  The traditional mission statement of The New York Times is “All the news that is fit to print.” I think my mission statement for this column is “All the news that fits.” That’s it for this week.