We’re moving along in our small town lives toward hot weather and graduation season. It’s a good time to talk about good things, like the mystery of the garbage bags. I was in uptown Kearny checking the mail, and got in my truck to drive down Tilbury. On either side of the road things looked different. There were large Arizona Public Service garbage bags filled to the brim and tied off in little clusters, and obviously the ground had been scoured clean of litter. As I continued down the hill, there were larger items, such as a wooden pallet, which were lying beside the garbage bags.
My mind went back a few days, when I saw young people swarming along the highway from the school into town, picking up roadside trash. I didn’t have time to stop and thank them, but I wish I had.
Well, it was the same group this time. I had to ask my friends on Facebook, and their happy response was that these were the Science Club members from Ray School, with their sponsors Jeri Varley and Stacey Johnson. There’s a lot of science involved in garbage (really!) and this was hands-on thinking time. There’s so much garbage. What can society do about it? What are the dangers? How can science address them? How can garbage serve a useful purpose? And what about wastewater? There is much to think about.
Well done, Science Club. We are truly thankful for what you have done, and you have made Kearny more beautiful.
Arizona’s primary election is Tuesday, August 28. This includes the primary election for local non-partisan offices, such as mayor and council. The non-partisan offices used to have a separate election because of their distinctive nature, but the wizards of the Arizona Legislature put the elections on the same date two years ago. Non-partisan offices are just that, NON-partisan. They are not meant to be oppositional in nature, as in party elections. They are meant to focus on the candidates and on the local issues.
Having the elections on the same date as the party elections is a shame. Local candidates have a hard time making their names and issues known over the noise of the national and state candidates.
Now is the time for local candidates to make themselves known and begin their campaigns. The Office of Town Clerk in all the towns has a packet of legal information, petition forms, and enrollment documents for everyone who wishes to make a run for office. It takes a while to get petitions for office signed and everything filed, so a start right now will give you a good shot of meeting the Wednesday, May 30 at 5 p.m. filing deadline.
Remember, this Friday, April 13 at 10 a.m. is the rededication of the county building into the Kelly Haddad Administrative Center. Many members of the Haddad family will be present, so come enjoy the ceremony and refreshments with them. The next day, Saturday, is dump day at the Kearny station on the highway. The Town Council will hold its regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, April 16, which will include a hearing on Home Rule.
Finally, remember the gala Second Annual Golf Tournament at the Kearny Golf Course on Saturday, April 21, sponsored by the Catholic Community of Infant Jesus of Prague. Food and drinks will be available and all your friends will be there. It’s a good cause.