Sam Hosler

The recent kerfuffle with the water filtration plant in Kearny turned out to have a simple explanation: lightning struck the plant. A part had to be ordered, and it took a while to arrive. Thank you, Town of Kearny, for working as quickly as possible. During the time the filtration was down, the water was still fully treated (except for mineral particles) and was completely safe to drink.

  Dr. James Celis, whose dental practice was severely affected by the collapse of the roof during a Kearny rainstorm, is making it known that he fully intends to resume his practice. It’s a bit complicated because he needs to find a temporary setup and he still has to deal with insurance details.

  He is a great dentist with real love for the people of the Copper Basin. I’m glad that he wants to move through this disruption and be available to us again. Here’s hoping that the management of the building might take advantage of the needed repair to improve conditions for the other businesses renting from them.

  This Thursday (August 16) the Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce is sponsoring a potluck and mixer in the banquet room of the General Kearny Inn at 6 p.m. This is a good opportunity for local businesses to learn about the work of the chamber and make their own needs known. The chamber wants to be responsive to businesses in the area. As businesses and individuals join the chamber, it will grow in its ability to respond. Come see for yourself.

  On Friday, August 17, food will be distributed for seniors (60 years or older) on fixed incomes. The truck will arrive early in the morning and local volunteers will unload it and get it ready. The location is the side entrance at the back end of the old courthouse (the Kelly Haddad Center). The volunteers hope to begin handing out food by 8 a.m. or even earlier, and will continue the distribution until 1 p.m.

  This distribution requires an annual sign up. After that, seniors who have a hard time physically coming for the food may designate another person to get the food for them. Please bring proof of residence and a photo ID when you sign up. If you can’t get out of the car to sign up, the registrar will come out to sign you up. Kearny resident Mike Dinwiddie will gladly answer any questions. This service is for the whole Copper Basin, sponsored by The United Food Bank.  

  The primary election will be Tuesday, August 28. This election is the primary for the Democratic and Republican parties as well as the primary for non-partisan offices such as Mayor and Council. Independents may vote in the primary, but must participate by using party ballots.

  Note: The primary for non-partisan offices is on both the Democratic and Republican ballots. In Arizona, the primary election does, in effect, become the determinant in the General Election on November 6. This is why the primary is so important.

  Registration for the primary is now closed, but there is still time to register for the general vote in November.

  That’s the story! Watch out while driving as the schools are now in session, be sure to exercise your voting privilege, patronize our local businesses, and don’t forget to take your keys when you go to the post office.