For many years, the United Food Bank truck has made its way to Kearny and the Copper Basin on the first Friday of each month. It parks at the Pinal County Courthouse (recently renamed the Kelly Haddad Administrative Center). Workers get out of the truck and begin setting up for the food distribution, and they are joined by local volunteers (some who have worked many years) helping to greet people needing food and putting things in order for the distribution.

Sam Hosler
The food is given, not sold. It consists of a monthly box of food with balanced nutrition, and the opportunity to choose fruits and vegetables to supplement the box. After everyone has received a fair share, people may go through the line again for more fruits and vegetables.
Food is given to residents of the whole area who request it. There is no income disclosure, and all that is asked is that you have proof of residency, such as a utility bill, and supply your telephone number. If someone is homeless and without an address, food will still be given out.
Now, here’s the important part. Transporting and delivering the food costs the food bank more than $600 a month. The food bank people have noticed that, especially in these hot months, the number of people seeking food has dropped considerably. If our numbers continue to drop, the food bank may have to discontinue service after all these years
Now, you and I know that there are lots of people who could use this food. Many of them are elderly people who cannot get out on their own. Other are young parents who are so busy working and minding their children that it is difficult for them to make the food distribution.
The food bank makes it possible for us to help them. At the distribution this Friday, there will be proxy sheets available. If each of us take one, two or more proxy sheets, and then take them to people who need food and have them signify their residence and desire to receive food, then we can be designated to pick up food and deliver it to them. It’s a simple process, and should greatly increase the number of people receiving food.
And, for this Friday, check with your neighbors to see if you can ride together to the food distribution. I hope that the number of people receiving food can start growing this week, demonstrating that the food is being used well. I’m convinced that we care enough about each other to make this a continuing success.