Aleynia Boatman
If you have ever been to a community event in Kearny, chances are, you know exactly who Aleynia Boatman is. Perhaps not by name, but you recognize her face. And why wouldn’t you? This woman volunteers or is involved in almost everything, from Town Council to Chamber of Commerce, from Community Sports to School Functions: the list goes on and on.
Emilia Rutledge, who works with Junior Chamber and Arizona Youth Partnership, recently worked with Aleynia as Co-Chairperson for Pioneer Days Queen competition as well as other times in the past.
“I’d like to say working with Aleynia has been one of the easiest and smoothest tasks I have done with all the projects I get myself into,” Emilia said. “She has her mind set and stays on track every time, even keeping me on track. No matter the differences that arise or the obstacles. I would work with Aleynia any day.”
Aleynia gives all the credit to her community service to her dad, Robert “Wayne” Boatman. After losing him in a tragic accident in 2020, Aleynia said it pushed her to live out his legacy. She says it is because he was the kindest man to have ever lived. “He would help anyone no questions asked, give you the shirt off his back if needed,” she said. “I wanted to carry on that tradition and honor his memory.”
She added that it was also important to put that energy into Kearny. “I also got involved in this town because I love it here and I want to see it thrive,” she said.
Since her father passed away, Aleynia’s first volunteering project was the Ray PTO in 2021, despite the fact none of her children attend the school. As a volunteer she was involved in several events including Backpacks for Bearcats, Ray Homecoming Poster Contest, Flamingo Fundraiser, Candy Donation, and their Winter Wonderland event.
In 2022, she became a member of the Kearny Town Council, and in 2024, she was appointed Vice Mayor of the Town of Kearny as well as the Board Secretary for the Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce. In both capacities, she has been involved in Kearny’s Great Punkin, The Annual Car Show, Community Clean up Events, and Pioneer Days, including co-chairperson of the Pioneer Day Queen competition in 2023 as well as the 2025 season.
Aleynia is a single mother of three teenagers (and let’s not forget her three furbabies). On top of her volunteer work, she often holds down two jobs at a time to support her family, including Coppernet and La Cantina simultaneously as well as Firehouse Saloon while working for Asarco-Grupo Mexico and Ray Federal/Arizona Copper Federal Credit Union. Right now, she is working full time with APS and has hopes of getting into their Public Relations department in the future.
“I have had the privilege of knowing and working alongside Aleynia since 2021,” Shawnna Whitehurst said. “I started my crazy adventure back in Kearny with taking on the role of PTO president 2021. Aleynia has children but they do not attend Ray. She was working with Coppernet at the time and attended a meeting with a coworker. The thing about organizations in a small town is that they are mostly all volunteers based of course. That being said, they are always, ALWAYS, needing helping hands. Aleynia was nothing short of helpful. She went above and beyond for the PTO. Always willing to help me and the members when needed, brainstorming, problem solving, and bringing creativity to the table! There were long nights she would waste many hours with me just helping in any way possible. Her hard work and dedication to a school that her children don’t even attend is what started our friendship. Anyone who can sacrifice that amount of time, effort and sanity for other people’s children was someone I wanted in my corner! Since then, we have had a great friendship. I’ve watched her take on so many roles in the community. She is a Woman of vast knowledge and wears many hats for Kearny! It’s inspiring, actually. Not to mention, she is even my go-to for notary signing. She does all the things I tell you!”
On top of everything else, she also helped wrap toys for the Kearny Volunteer Fire Department’s “Copper Community Kids Christmas” program, and assisted the Kearny Sheriff’s Posse at their events with set up or by selling food. When asked how she finds the time, she said, “I basically show up at events and if they need help, I help.” The only thing she can’t do successfully? Aleynia jokingly stated, “Date successfully.”
We cannot fathom how Aleynia has already accomplished so much and continues to be so successful. All Aleynia’s selflessness and willingness to help others just proves to us that Superheroes do walk among us all. Giving what seems to be every bit of her time, of herself, to others just to try to make the community a better place is nothing short of astonishing. We should all be so proud to have such an amazing person on our side.
Aleynia, there is no doubt that you have made your dad proud.