Alec Newman
Alec Newman from San Manuel’s Boy Scout Crew 822 has earned his Venturing Summit Award. The Summit Award represents Venturing’s highest honor.
To achieve this ultimate recognition, Alec served as Crew 822 President in 2015 and 2016 and as Catalina Councils VOA President in 2017 and 2018. He completed the Wildlife Watering Hole service project at Oracle State Park. This provided a much needed resource for the Park Rangers in providing a desert wildlife habitat at the park. Alec has worked with younger Venturing scouts, mentoring them on their Venturing journey. Alec was required to create a personal code of conduct from his explorations in the realms of faith, self and others.
Alec is the first member of Crew 822 to earn the Venturing Summit Award. He has also earned the Arrow of Light award in Cub Scouts and the Eagle rank in Boy Scouts. The Summit award was introduced in May of 2014. To date, less than a hundred Venturing scouts have earned the Summit Award. Please join the members of Crew 822 in congratulating Alec on earning his Summit Award.
Alec is a 2016 San Manuel High School graduate who is currently attending Pima Community College.

Alec Newman at his Summit Project.

Alec Newman’s Summit Project.