Arizona Youth Partnership and First Things First are sponsoring free Active Parenting: First Five Years classes for parents and other caregivers of children, aged birth through five years.
In four sessions, held at Hayden High School, 824 Thorne Ave. in Winkelman, attendees will learn the ages and stages of development of children from birth to age five, and, how to handle them. Effective discipline that young children can understand, ways to prepare preschoolers for scholastic success, using mindfulness to keep your cool, and more tools will be taught from Dr. Michael Popkin’s Active Parenting workshops.
Sessions will be on Fridays, starting at noon, beginning April 26 and running through May 17. Everyone who completes all four sessions will receive a free lockable drug cabinet.
To sign up, please contact Bridget Penate by phone at 520-391-0485 or by email at