Norm’s IGA customers Paul and Linda Alvarado are checked out by employee Alexis Salazar. They are all sporting masks.

  Fortunately, Eastern Pinal County has not seen the elevated COVID-19 numbers found in primary population centers located in other regions of Pinal County. 

  However, despite fewer cases in Eastern Pinal County, the Town of Kearny believes our Town’s residents should be encouraged to take any and all reasonable precautions, as they decide for themselves to make those decisions as individuals, parents, and families. 

  Rather than placing restrictions on Kearny’s residents, the Town Council instead believes the residents of Kearny are capable of making their own decisions. With that in mind, the Town Council wishes to extend their trust and faith in residents, and asks everyone to exercise responsible decision-making. 

  While a role of government is to provide public safety, it is not government’s role to undercut people’s capacity to make reasonable and informed decisions, based on their own discretion and protection. 

  It is an individual’s decision whether to take reasonable precautions for their own welfare and preservation. Therefore, individuals are encouraged to make responsible and informed decisions. Individuals are encouraged to make their decision based on the best scientific information available. 

  The Arizona Department of Health Services website states six cases of COVID-19 have been recorded in Kearny.  However, local health care sources indicate only three cases are currently positive in the Town limits. Three cases were formerly positive, and those three cases are no longer positive. 

  Other sources, including social media sites, suggest the numbers could be higher.  Such claims could be unsubstantiated or unconfirmed.  Social media sites often contain erroneous or misleading information. 

  Governor Ducey’s Executive Order allows a range of responses, guided by the discretion of local decision-makers. Some communities may have implemented overreaching policies that reduce a resident’s capacity to make their own decisions on how to best conduct themselves when in public settings and make decisions they believe best protect themselves and people around them. 

  Deciding whether to wear a face mask or face shield in public places is a decision for rational individuals to make themselves.  While many government councils have prescribed restrictive measures for residents, the Kearny Town Council believes the residents of Kearny are capable of making reasonable and responsible decisions to protect their own health, welfare, and the safety of others.