The Superior Chamber of Commerce hosted the candidates for Pinal County Sheriff’s Office at its July meeting.  There are five candidates running for the office; two showed up for the meeting.

Patrick Melvin, the democratic candidate, introduced himself to the attendees.  He stressed his beliefs that the office of Sheriff should not be a partisan job, that he will represent everyone in his office.  Melvin has an extensive resume of police service and is nationally recognized for his police service.  He has served as a Deputy Chief for the Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office.  HIs slogan is “New Vision, New Professional Direction” for the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office.

His opponent in the July 30 primary was unable to attend. Melvin is running against Kevin Taylor.

Ross Teeple is seeking the Republican nomination in the July 30 primary election. He has more than 30 years in public service, which began with active duty service in the Navy.  Currently he is a Lieutenant with the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office and has worked alongside outgoing Sheriff Mark Lamb.  His campaign slogan: “I am a conservative running for Pinal County Sheriff to defend out values.  Faith. Family and Freedom”.

Teeple will be running against two other Republican candidates:  Kevin Cavanaugh and Charles Austin Jr.  Kevin Cavanaugh is currently serving as a Pinal County Supervisor for District One which includes Coolidge and Maricopa areas.   Cavanaugh and Austin were unable to attend the Chamber luncheon.