By Nathaniel A. Lopez


  The sun is setting on the Hayden High School Class of 2024, as the 2023-2024 school year comes to a close. Most students will leave for the summer, only to return in the fall. But this year’s seniors will become one of the many senior classes that go from Lobo students to Lobo alumni after they graduate on Friday, May 24. Leading the Senior Class of 2024 will be Valedictorian Christopher Casillas, and Salutatorian Ismael Gallego.

  Valedictorian Christopher Casillas is the son of Robert and Thelma Casillas. Christopher competed in Football and Baseball. After graduating, he plans to attend Arizona State University, to study sports medicine, with hopes of working with a professional sports team as a trainer.

  “My favorite memory [of school] was when we won the 1A State championship. The bus ride home was filled with cheers and laughter,” began Christopher. “The thing I will miss most about high school is being able to see my friends every day. I am looking forward to meeting new people after high school. I want to advise underclassmen to always be friendly with people. I want to thank my family for being there when I needed them.”

  Salutatorian Ismael Gallego is the son of Pedro and Marissa Gallego. Ismael competed in football and wrestling. He was also a member of NHS and the Athletic Club. After graduating, he plans to attend Northern Arizona University. He wants to learn how to become a freight broker. Ismael’s favorite memory of high school was winning the 1A state football championship. He will miss his friends and classmates but looks forward to living on his own and becoming his own person. Some advice he had for underclassmen was, “High school goes by really fast make sure to make memories and enjoy it.”

  “I want to thank all my teachers, coaches and family for helping me with my journey through high school and making it as special as can be,” Ismael commented.

  Both will make the traditional Valedictorian and Salutatorian speeches during the Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District graduation on May 24. 

  Congratulations to Hayden High School’s 2024 Valedictorian and Salutatorian, and the entire graduating senior class! You may not be a Hayden High School student anymore, but you’ll always be a Lobo!



Hayden High School Class of 2024’s top two students: Salutatorian Ismael Gallego, left, and Valedictorian Christopher Casillas