A string of thefts from residences in San Manuel has the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office reminding folks to make sure their storage rooms, sheds and vehicle doors are locked, and recommending other safety measures be taken to protect personal belongings.

  “We always advise residents to lock parked vehicles, storage buildings, and homes at all times,” said Lauren Reimer, Public Information Officer for the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office. “Motion-activated lights and home video surveillance are both useful tools in preventing theft. Most thefts are crimes of opportunity, with thieves taking the path of least resistance to make a profit. Putting in place even a few additional safety measures is often enough to deter these criminals.”

  On Nov. 29, 2023, PCSO received a report of a theft from the San Manuel Senior Center. 

  “The center reported an unknown suspect removed the shed door by unscrewing the latches on the door. Two full propane tanks were the only items missing. It is unknown when the theft occurred,” Reimer said.

  There were a few other instances of theft in the San Manuel area over the past two weeks.

  On Nov. 24, it was reported to PCSO that an external storage room was burglarized. A weed eater and tools were stolen. The room was left unlocked. 

  During the same time frame, wheels and tires were stolen from a parked vehicle in the 200 block of E. Webb Dr. The home has been vacant since March.

  “In addition to the above safety tips,” Reimer said, “when a homeowner knows their property will be vacant for a while, we also offer our House Watch program.”

  Information on the House Watch program can be found at https://www.pinal.gov/1198/House-Watch