While the holiday season is presented on film and in songs as being all about happiness, giving and cheer, this is the quintessential time for hustle and bustle of the merry kind, with socializing and shopping for all! Our moods are lighter and brighter, smiles come more easily, and we plan for how to give, love, live and have a great time with family and friends.

  Many of us do such things and take full enjoyment of this time of year, that is. Yet, for some, this long season with intermittent bouts of normal activities, which provide them some sense of stability, shutting down and leaving them alone with their memories can be an extremely dark and difficult time of renewed mourning the loss of one or more persons near and dear to their heart.

  Responding to this truth, the Copper Basin Jr. Chamber of Commerce is inviting all who desire to do so to join in lighting up the night on Sunday, Dec. 10, with both an Angel Wing Dedication Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony and Luminarias. This is a way to be among others who understand your pain and to have a little memorial for your dearly departed, while helping others in more than one fashion.

  Gather in front of the Kelly Haddad Admin building, located at 355 Alden Rd. in Kearny, for the twin ceremonies of remembrance that will start at 5:30 p.m. with the Kearny Christmas tree, upon which everyone is welcome to hang an angel wing while announcing the name of their loved ones.

  Following the tree ceremony will be a lighting of luminarias, where everyone is welcomed to say the name of their loved ones along with a message, and there will be a video presentation of photos.

  The cost of each wing is $3 and Luminarias with candle are $2 each. Send your photos to Emilia at copperbasinchamber@gmail.com or Terrece at Tflowers@kearnyaz.gov by Thursday, Dec. 7. Proceeds from the ceremonies will go toward funding the Chamber Scholarship. 

  So, come out and celebrate life, while helping out the local youth and aiding your fellow man by giving and taking comfort in this sharing of memories.