The new Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce has hit the ground running. Led by President Gary Stepke, Chamber members are working on big plans for the future.

  The new Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce has hit the ground running. Led by President Gary Stepke, Chamber members are working on big plans for the future.

  The chamber’s vision is to bring together the towns in the Copper Corridor, stretching from Superior through Kearny, Hayden, Winkelman, Dudleyville, Mammoth, Oracle, and San Manuel. By showcasing what each community has to offer, they hope to build and strengthen the connections between the towns, develop local businesses and make each town a destination for visitors traveling along the scenic Copper Corridor. Joining Superior and San Manuel as trailblazers in revitalizing the region, the Copper Basin Chamber is proud to lead the charge in Kearny.

  Why now? The Copper Basin Chamber went dormant during COVID back in 2020 as officers and members retired or pursued other obligations. Teens couldn’t participate, and in-person public events were on hold. Now that life has started to return to normal, it’s the ideal time to launch the new chamber.  

  Reviving a chamber of commerce is no easy task. It takes time and effort. At each meeting, the chamber members check off another item on their to-do list and add a few more. They’re growing fast and almost ready to hire an office manager, but not quite. A new website is definitely on the horizon.

  The chamber is excited about its plans to include Junior Chamber activities in the upcoming school year – a mutually beneficial relationship. When high school students help with events, they earn volunteer hours toward scholarships, and chamber members rely on their assistance.  

  The Copper Basin Chamber is looking forward to collaborating with the Town of Kearny and local businesses to support upcoming events designed to engage the community. (Some dates are tentative):

  • Great Pumpkin, Oct. 29
  • Kearny Car Show, Nov. 12
  • Light Parade, Dec. 17
  • Pool Tournament and Fireworks, January 2023
  • 2023 Pioneer Days, March 9-12
  • Cornhole Fundraiser Events, dates tbd

  Every chamber of commerce needs to grow to be successful. Volunteers are encouraged to join the chamber as a community supporter or to represent their businesses. For information, please contact members Gary Stepke, Becky Dunn, or Vicki Palmer, or send an email to