Catalina Garcia de Hernandez passed away on Sunday, May 1, 2022, in Las Vegas, NV. Catalina was born in Mexico on July 13, 1937. As many of you know, our mother and grandmother was diagnosed with dementia well over 10 years ago. Despite this diagnosis, her passion for life and loving demeanor was always consistent. She was and will continue to be an inspiration to us all for living life to the fullest, being loving, humble, kindhearted and strong.

  Religion has always been a huge part of her life. When any of us were experiencing a difficult moment in life, she tended to remind us that were not alone in this world and God was always with us. Through this saying, she brought us much comfort during difficult times. She taught us about her beliefs by setting the best example of a person with great integrity.
  Our mother and grandmother was the kindest, most loving person we have ever known. She mothered everyone, so much so that friends would often call her mom. She took this as a compliment and never shied away from being there for others who needed support in one way or another. As her children and grandchildren, we are extremely blessed to have had her as a great role model in our lives.  We will miss her smile, her laugh, her sage advice, and her bubbly personality. I know all of us will miss her beautiful singing. She loved all of you and her memory will live on in all of us.

  Catalina is preceded in death by her husband, Alejandro Hernandez. Catalina is survived by her sons, Ben (Christina) Hernandez and Alex Hernandez; and her daughter, Susanna (Sergio) Delgado. She also leaves behind her grandchildren, Angela Boothe, Alexandra Hernandez, Amanda Delgado, Jasmine Delgado, Sedona Hernandez, Electra Hernandez and Camilla Hernandez.

  Services for Catalina were held on Saturday May 21, 2022 at St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church in Superior, Arizona. She was laid to rest at Kearny Memorial Cemetery in Kearny, AZ.