On June 6 your Copper Basin Chamber of Commerce will be holding a re-organizational meeting.  We have some vacancies to the Board of Directors we need to fill.  Since COVID, we have struggled to keep the Chamber operational. Some of your board members and officers had to take jobs out of town and some have struggled to keep their businesses.  The biggest function of the year, Pioneer Days has had to be cancelled for the past two years; last year because of the shut down and this year because we weren’t able to get a carnival to commit to come here soon enough to plan for it.

  Our Bylaws state that there shall be at least 7 Directors elected by the membership and the officers shall be elected by the Directors.  It is time for the businesspeople of the Copper Basin to step up. For the past several years there have been very few participate. The Chamber exists only to promote our businesses and the towns within our area.

  We need to have membership meetings and mixers on a regular basis.

  We need to have functions for the Junior Chamber.

  We need our website updated.

  We need for all of our businesses and members to pay their dues annually. 

  We need to figure out how we can hire and keep a Chamber Manager.  It can’t run on 100% volunteers and be effective.

  Most of all, we need ideas and volunteers for functions that will promote Kearny and our business community.

  Please put June 6 on your calendar and come with your ideas and help the Chamber help you!  The meeting will be a dinner meeting at the General Kearny Inn at 6:30 p.m. Bring someone who might be interested in joining!

  Please RSVP to director@copperbasinaz.org or call 520 560 6561 by June 4 so we can get a meal count.

  • Angela Wernett, Treasurer
  • Marge Jones, Board Member
  • Vickie Palmer, Board Member
  • Jean Slater Hamilton, Board Member
  • Becky Dunn, Board Member
  • Irma Newman, Board Member