In April 2020, COVID-19 brought much of Arizona’s economy to a screeching halt. All businesses not deemed “essential” were ordered closed by Arizona’s governor Doug Ducey.

  The lockdown continued for nearly two months. When Gov. Ducey finally gave the go ahead to reopen, businesses slowly began the road to recovery. Even those listed as “essential” had a challenge with this economic recovery.

  Many small businesses and non-profits in Arizona didn’t survive the lockdown. The businesses that did survive are hanging on as best they can. Copper Area News wanted to give something back to the local business community as a thank you for supporting us through these troubled times. Our newspapers (Copper Basin News, Superior Sun and San Manuel Miner) have been featuring local businesses and non-profits since the beginning of 2021, encouraging our readers to Shop at Home, stay local and support our local businesses. To date, Copper Area News has featured 137 businesses and groups in the Copper Corridor.

  When the COVID-19 Pandemic reached the United States, no one could have imagined that some of the longest shutdowns and effects from closures were extreme for those in the massage, wellness and fitness sectors.

  Belinda’s Holistic Massage is located inside the building of 18 N. Magma.  Suite five is where you will find Belinda’s Holistic Massage.

  Belinda Fontes has been a trained massage therapist for 15 years. In October 2019, she decided to open her own massage therapy business in Superior. When she opened the business, she was very surprised how quickly her clientele grew. Then the pandemic hit and it was almost impossible to maintain her business operations.  As COVID restrictions were relaxed, she reopened and returned to serving her customers.

  Belinda’s massage therapy focus is on pathology treatments that are designed to help those who have been diagnosed with diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis and Cancer.  She explained that patients who have these illnesses and other health issues need lighter touch massages that won’t aggravate the illnesses.  This type of massage therapy is also good for those who have Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). 

  One of her favorite parts of her job is to see how her clients respond to the massage therapy.  “I am always happy to see them feel relief after their therapy,” she said. 

  Belinda also enjoys making her own schedule. Her massage therapy business is open Monday through Thursday, 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.  Appointments are required and you can make an appointment by calling her at 480-289-1528. 

  Belinda will be seeking additional training to add hot stone massage and Yo Massage.  Yo Massage is a therapy where a group will be doing yoga poses and then massage is added while holding the pose.  In April, she plans to add salt scrub massage.