Globe, AZ —January 25, 2022 – The start of a new year often comes with a list of resolutions. While they are different for everyone, many commonly center on self-improvement whether it be related to health, career or starting a new habit. CASA of Arizona (Court Appointed Special Advocates) is asking Arizonans to consider making a pledge that would significantly impact the life of a child in need. 

  On any given day, there are more than 13,500 children and youth in Arizona living in a foster home, with relatives, in group homes, shelters, or residential treatment centers due to being removed from their parent’s care. CASA volunteers are appointed by judges throughout the state to advocate for the best interests of these children in court and other settings.

  “CASA volunteers help children in foster care by serving as a consistent advocate for a child within their case and before the Court,” said Charlie Gray, CASA of Arizona Program Manager. “They are there to build very real and meaningful relationships and give the judge a perspective of the child’s situation that they may not otherwise see.”

  The need for additional CASA volunteers is great. Right now, more than 12,000 children need a CASA volunteer.

  For the volunteer, the experience is often life changing. It’s an opportunity to serve the community and to give a voice to a child that may otherwise feel voiceless.

  “My experience was extremely eye-opening and rewarding,” said a CASA volunteer. “I realized how I could fight for an individual child who is in a very vulnerable place. It taught me a lot about myself and changed my perspective on how I can have a direct impact on someone’s life while contributing to our community at large.”

  CASA of Arizona is seeking volunteers in all 15 counties to fill the caseload gap in the state and is seeking to expand the diversity and demographics of its volunteer base.

  “Arizona has a very diverse population,” says Savanna Hopp, CASA of Arizona Outreach Specialist. “We want, and need CASA volunteers who are just as diverse and who reflect and represent the children we serve each day.”

  Volunteers with CASA of Arizona do not need any prior special training and can come from all walks of life. Anyone 21 years of age or older, who can pass a thorough background check and complete 30 hours of free training, is encouraged to apply.

  To learn more, visit,

  For more information on the CASA of Gila County Program, please contact CASA of Gila County Coordinator Emily Nader at 928-402-4427 or

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