The Ray and Hayden teams had busy weeks, finishing up the regular seasons and preparing for the sectional tournaments.

  Ray hosted three teams this week.

  On Jan. 24, the Superior basketball team came to compete. The Lady ‘Cats played a tough game, but were unable to walk away with the win. The final score of their game was a close 32-37. The Bearcats closed out the night victoriously, with a big win, 61-24.

  On Jan. 28, the teams hosted Cicero Prep. The girls team avenged their loss from earlier in the week, winning only by three points, in a 33-30 game. The Bearcats played a tough game, posting 52 points, but in the end falling short by 11 points. The final score of the boys game was 52-63.

  The following day, San Simon made its way to Ray’s court. The Lady ‘Cats played a dangerously close game, with a nail-biting finishing score, 27-26, giving them their second close win of the week. The boys team turned up the heat against San Simon, overpowering them by a 31-point difference at the end. Recovering from the previous night’s loss, the Bearcats won 63-32.

  On Feb. 4, the Lady ‘Cats will travel to Gilbert’s Leading Edge Academy to compete in the two-day girls 1A East Section Tournament. For the boys, the Bearcats will once again be hosting, starting Feb. 3, the three-day Boys 1A East Section Tournament at Ray High School.

  Hayden, likewise, had a busy week, with five games for the boys and four for the girls.

  On Jan. 24, both teams traveled to Cibeque to compete against Dishchii’bikoh. The Lady Lobos suffered a loss, with a final score of 24-56. The boys team played a close game, but weren’t able to come out victorious like their last game against them. The Lobos fell short 7 points, resulting in a 50-57 loss.

  The following day, they traveled to Gilbert to play against Leading Edge Academy. It was a tough evening for both teams, the girls team taking a hard loss of 22-71. The boys team losing in their 69-82 game.

  On Jan. 27, Fort Thomas traveled to Hayden. The Lady Lobos took their third loss of the week in their 23-60 game. The Lobos were able to walk away with a victory in hand, defeating Fort Thomas with a close 59-55 final score.

  The next day, the teams once again were on the road, this time to Lincoln Prep. It was once again a tough evening for both teams. The girls team was able to score 33 points, breaking out of the 20-25 point range they’d been in all week. Unfortunately, the Lady Lobos were unable to keep down Lincoln Prep’s offense, resulting in a 33-51 loss. The Lobos once again played a close game, although this time they fell short by 5 points. The final score for the boys was 38-43. The following day, the boys team hosted San Manuel. The Lobos recovered from their previous loss, defeating the Miners in the 61-36 game.

  On Feb. 4, the Lady Lobos will travel to Gilbert’s Leading Edge Academy to compete in the two-day girls 1A East Section Tournament. Starting Feb. 3, the Lobos will compete in the three-day Boys 1A East Section Tournament at Ray High School.