Ray High School’s annual Senior Interview Day was held on Monday, Nov. 15. 

  All seniors participated in a mock interview with former Ray High School graduates who have gone on to be successful in their chosen field.  Seniors must present themselves as if it were a real interview and are asked to dress professionally and complete an application, cover letter, and resume – which are completed in their senior Government and English classes in the weeks prior to the event.  Instruction on job interviewing skills and how to conduct themselves in an interview is also provided. 

  Each student had a short interview with their assigned interviewer.  They are then evaluated on their application materials and interview and feedback is provided to them on their evaluation form.  The experience helps better prepare seniors for real life interviews as they participate in their job searches in the future. 

  Each interviewer was assigned six seniors to interview and from their pool of applicants they award a “Top Job Applicant Award” to the senior in their group to whom they would have offered the job. 

  This year’s Top Job Applicants were Ariana Munoz, Tracon Naranjo, Mikenna Seller, Jack Warren, and Kaia Warren.  The Top Job Applicants then had a group interview with the five interviewers and the overall winner was Jack Warren who received a $100 Visa gift card. 



Top Job Applicant Picture:

Top Row (Interviewers, Left to Right):

This year’s interviewers are from left (back) Richard Verdugo, Jay Wernett, Tiffany Boyd-Flores and Angela Wernett (not pictured Karrie Sheffield); this year’s top applicants are from left (front) Jack Warren, Kaia Warren, Mikenna Seller, Ariana Munoz and Tracon Naranjo.


Overall Job Applicant Winner Picture (Left to Right):

The interviewers are pictured here with the overall job applicant winner: Richard Verdugo, Jay Wernett, Angela Wernett, Jack Warren and Tiffany Boyd-Flore