To all Arizona voters: thank you for exercising your constitutional right to cast a ballot. It’s too bad there are so many uninformed voters in Arizona.
  When you cast a ballot for Joe Biden, a man who can’t put two sentences together without messing it up, you’ve really cast a vote for Kamala Harris, Nancy Pelosi and the A.O.C. mob to run the White House. By the end of 2021, we’ll be paying $5 per gallon for gasoline and $12.50 per lb. for a steak. Covid 19 mandates and government regulations will shut down small business and smother our economy.

  And, to put the icing on the Liberal Cake, so to speak, you elected two democrat senators for the first time since 1952.

  Thanks, Arizona voters, for taking the U.S.A. one step closer to becoming a socialist nation.
  Concerned Patriot,
/s/ Cecil Ramsey