Forty souls have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to the lives and property of the citizens of Gila County since 1881. Law men and women, fire fighters, rescue and medics lost their lives while trying to save some others.

  This is a sacrifice that should not be soon forgotten.

  It is the mission of the Gila County Public Safety Memorial Association to remember them, but we need your help. Along with the establishing of a granite monument upon which the names of these fallen heroes shall be inscribed, a flag and memorial pin will be dedicated to the memory of each one of the fallen. We ask that the citizens of Gila County, we the beneficiaries of these honorable sacrifices, would donate a minimum of $30 to sponsor a flag and pin. If you know one these lost in the line of duty and would like to make your donation in the memory of him or her, it is gladly received by the Memorial Association. Donations above and beyond this amount are also gladly welcomed and can be used at your direction either to purchase another memorial flag and pin or to be used toward the construction of the monument. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. Please make checks to Gila County Public Safety Memorial Association, or simply GCPSMA, and mail them to 1330 N Broad St., Globe, AZ, 85501.

  If you are interested in getting involved in the work of the Gila County Public Safety Memorial Association, members from Northern Gila County, San Carlos, and Hayden-Winkelman are needed, as well as Globe-Miami. Please send an email stating your interest to