The work completed by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors over the past decade has not only lifted the County into a top tier location for high value-added business locations, but is has also set the foundation for even better things to come.

  In a recent study completed by the Rounds Consulting Group; during the past decade, quality policy direction by the Pinal County Board of Supervisors, combined with the excellent performance of County staff, generated a totally of $15.8B in economic activity, for a total of $229.9M in net-new aggregated County tax collections.

  Over the last 10 years, residential and commercial construction activity generated $85.4M in tax revenues for Pinal County. Additionally, new business location and expansion projects have created an estimated 21,800 new jobs.

  The in-depth study details the impact over the last 10 years ranging in job growth, resident spending, vacancy rates and more.

  “Since I was first elected to serve on the Board of Supervisors, I’ve known the importance of investing in long-term goals and I am proud to see it paying off. Success is not achieved overnight,” said Supervisor Pete Rios.

  While Pinal County’s future prospects are optimistic, the study indicates the future will be dependent on the continuation of an economic-focused policy directive from the Pinal County Board of Supervisors.