The Hayden-Winkelman Unified School District has decided to continue online learning until the end of the first semester, which, due to the district’s late start, is Jan. 28, 2021.

  “The District believes online learning will be the safest for students, families, and the community as COVID-19 case continue to rise in Arizona,” explained Superintendent Jeff Gregorich. The Governing Board will revisit returning to in-person schooling in January, he added.

   All HWUSD teachers and support staff have received extensive training to provide quality online instruction for both the academic and social emotional needs of students during the pandemic. In addition, all students receive iPads and access to internet service as needed.

  “We want to provide the best online instruction possible and make certain every student is learning. Our students’ academic growth and safety is our top priority, and we will continue to work to ensure every student is receiving a quality education,” said Gregorich.

   In addition, the District has canceled the winter sports season, which include basketball and wrestling at both the high school and junior high. The cancelation was due to the concern for the safety of the players and their families as COVID-19 numbers continue to rise.