A Biden-Harris campaign sign bears a tire mark where someone drove over it.

I have received reports from several very reliable sources, that Biden-Harris campaign signs have been run over, knocked down and stolen, both in Oracle and San Manuel. One wonders of the mentality of the people who would do this. I can understand you Trump followers being upset that things aren’t going so well for your candidate. Trump is down by double digits in  national polls and even in Arizona. McSally appears that she will not be in the Senate much longer and the President and First Lady have both contracted COVID-19. Then there will be more coming out about Trump’s taxes and his business ventures.

  There is some good news as it seems that President Trump may survive the virus and return to the White House. However, if his poll numbers go up while he is in the hospital, he will probably check himself back in. Republican leaders in different states are doing their best to suppress voter turnout and mail in ballots. Throw in Russian interference and the odds are much improved for the impeached candidate.

  If you believe in law and order which Trump keeps preaching about, then you will not break the law by tampering with campaign signs. Then again, if you believe as Trump does that all is fair in keeping him out of jail, go ahead and just be you!

Author’s Note: I have been given the opportunity to express my opinion and viewpoints on politics, national, state, and local issues as well as life in general. I hope to inform you as well as entertain you, make you smile or make you mad. I will use humor, sarcasm and occasionally anger to express my views. My intention is to hold politicians accountable sometimes bringing some heat on them and if my views make you angry or hot, remember that like my humor, it is a dry heat. These opinions are entirely my own and do not reflect the views of Copper Area News Publishers.