Jessica Brown is Superior’s newest full time officer.

  The Town of Superior has a new full-time police officer. Jessica Brown was hired on Aug. 31, 2020, and will be replacing an officer who will be retiring soon.

  Jessica was born in Auckland, New Zealand and moved to the United States in 2001. She lived in Virginia before moving to Arizona to attend college after becoming a U.S. citizen her senior year. Jessica attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Prescott, Arizona. She has a Bachelor of Science degree in Global Security and Intelligence Studies.

  After earning her degree, Jessica moved back to Virginia where she became a deputy sheriff. After serving as a deputy for three years, she returned to Arizona last year. She holds numerous certificates in the areas of tactical medicine, firearms and law enforcement.

  “In my free time, I am always looking to enhance my skills to better perform the duties of my job by taking skill-based courses,” she said. “I don’t ever want to be in a position where someone needs help and I don’t know what to do.”

  Because her police certification from Virginia was not transferable to Arizona, Jessica will be attending the police academy in Phoenix. She will be graduating on Jan. 28, 2021 after completing 20 weeks of training. Police Chief Frank Alanis said that Jessica will be the first Town of Superior officer to attend the academy in about 10 years.

  Jessica was asked why she became a police officer.

  “I’ve always had a knack for solving problems and helping people,” she explained. “Law enforcement is the perfect career for me to use my skills and further my reach in being able to assist those in need, whether it be an emergency or just someone needing a listening ear.”

  Jessica said she “fell in love with Arizona” while attending college in Prescott. 

  “I am so glad I had a chance to move back,” she said. “I love small towns and the outdoors, and Superior is just that. It’s just what I was looking for. I enjoy checking out the little shops on Main Street, getting to know the people and hiking the nearby trails. The residents have been so friendly to me and I can’t wait to fully immerse myself in the community once I graduate from the academy.” 

  Jessica Brown will be a welcome addition to the Town of Superior and the police department. When you see her on patrol after she graduates, make sure to say hi and get to know her.