Smoke from the Bighorn Fire covered Oracle and San Manuel Wednesday.

With the pandemic/COVID 19, protests across the country, unemployment and all the craziness of 2020 thus far, the last thing we want to think about are wildfires.  But did you know at this same time there have been several wildfires in Arizona with some not very far away!  If you go to, you will find their location, the amount of personnel necessary to fight the fires and their status in Arizona.  

  In past articles, town hall meetings, etc. we have encouraged residents to remove dead vegetation, reduce ladder fuels, create a “lean and clean” property and maintain the vegetation on your property.  

  Even with taking those measures, wildfires occur and can happen here.  It is important, that each of us seriously look at where we live:

  Is the street you live on, a one way in and one way out street?  

  If so, if a fire occurs at the beginning of the street and you live at the end, how are you going to evacuate your home?  What is your plan? 

  Do you have an elderly neighbor that would need assistance?  

  Do you have a pet cat or dog, chickens, horses, etc?  What is your plan to evacuate them?  

  If your children are not home or at a friend’s home, how will you communicate with them that you are evacuating your home?  

  Are your medications in a convenient place (maybe already in an emergency bag) ready for you to walk out the door?  

  What about your important papers? Or pictures that can’t be replaced? Maybe your computer?  

  Do you have cash handy to buy gas because you may not be able to use a debit or credit card?

  What about food and/or maybe lodging?  

  What is your evacuation plan?  

  It seems like we never think seriously about these things until a wildfire is near by or destroys a community.  It might be too late to think about it then.  Maybe today is the day you put together your evacuation plan and share it with your family.  Practice evacuating.  When the fire is at our door, it will be too late to develop a plan.

  If you need additional information or have questions, please feel free to contact the Oracle Fire District at 520-896-2980 or or the Oracle Firewise Board.