March for Peace

  Last Saturday, Superior CAN held a peaceful demonstration, described on their flyer as a “Mourning, Solidarity Walk, Promoting Peaceful Police and People Partnerships.” Twenty-eight residents attended.

   Chris Casillas said, “We received a lot of honks in support and picked up trash afterward to leave Main Street better than we found it.”

  The demonstration started at noon, with participants meeting at Besich Park where they spent the first few minutes “getting on the same page”, to make sure everyone involved knew what the goal of the demonstration was. 

  What was that goal?  “..To acknowledge and mourn those who have suffered due to injustice, to walk in solidarity with those peacefully demonstrating around the world, and to promote ‘Peaceful Police and People Partnerships’.”

  It was announced that aggressive behavior would not be tolerated, and, that if someone did get aggressive with you  to ignore them and keep walking. Other ideas of how to conduct and protect yourself in a safe and peaceful manner were shared, as well. This and other information was followed by eight minutes and 46 seconds of acknowledgement and mourning, with Maya reading the names of those killed due to injustice.

  After which, the demonstrators began their solidarity walk. Due to COVID-19, the walk was made with participants six feet apart on the sidewalk, walking single file, all the way from Besich Park to Stone, before crossing the street and walking back to the stop sign at Magma, before crossing and returning to the park. The demonstrators were mindful to not block traffic or litter, and to stay hydrated. 

  When the walk was finished, demonstrators regrouped to share what action they each committed to taking to support peace in our community and beyond, sharing with the person next to them. Finally, the demonstration ended at 1 p.m. with demonstrators picking up trash and each person going on their way, as peacefully as they arrived.  

  Another peaceful demonstration is planned for this next week, at the same place and time. To get involved or provide feedback message Leo’s Community Development Center on Facebook or call Raven at 520-371-8650.