Officer Colin Madeya and Chief Frank Alanis

  Over the last year, the Superior Police Department has accomplished some amazing things. Their most recent accomplishment was putting an officer, Officer Colin Madeya, on the SWAT Team as a SWAT Medic. 

  Officer Madeya is an Arizona native. He comes from a long line of family members who have served their communities through public service. Officer Madeya is currently a full time firefighter/paramedic for the Phoenix Fire Department. While working as a full-time firefighter, Officer Madeya followed in his father’s footsteps and put himself through a police academy. 

  Shortly after graduation he was brought on by the Superior Police Department as a Reserve Police Officer. Officer Madeya has honorably served the Town of Superior as a Reserve Police Officer for more than three years. This is a non-paid volunteer position. 

  Having Officer Madeya on the SWAT team is a big win for both the Superior Police Department and Town of Superior. 

  “I am proud to brag that this is SPD’s first officer to join the Pinal County Regional SWAT team. Joining the SWAT team opens up a lot opportunities and improves upon our wonderful relationship with the Pinal County Sheriff’s Office.,” Superior Police Chief Frank Alanis said. 

  The Pinal County Regional SWAT Team is made up of law enforcement agencies throughout Pinal County. Through the joining of resources into a single fully functional tactical team it benefits each law enforcement agency and the communities they protect and serve. A regional team will meet the occasional needs of a community, while maintaining a sense of fiscal responsibility.   

  “This is in line with the vision I have set for this department,” Alanis continued. “As I have stated many times, my goal is to be the premier law enforcement agency in the Copper Corridor and one of, if not the best small department in Arizona.”