The Town of Superior has announced that all town parks including play structures will reopen on Friday, May 21, 2020.  The park play structures have been closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.  Prior to opening the parks the play structure have been deep cleaned and de-contaminated.  

  The Town is planning to reopen the swimming pool in early June once new policies can be enacted to ensure that the CDC physical distancing can be followed. Outdoor activities such as swimming, hiking, walking and outdoor play are highly encouraged by most heath authorities and the Town of Superior encourages residents to use these amenities.

  The Library will tentatively be reopening on June 15; many improvements have been made to ensure that physical distancing and disinfecting can happen on a regular basis.

  The Senior Center will remain closed until it is determined that meals can be served in a congregate setting.  Lunches will continue to be delivered to Senior Citizens signed up for the program.  

  Public contact and inquires at Town Hall are still being handled by appointment only.  Sewer bills can be dropped off at the Town Hall drop box.  Appointment for permits and other inquires at town hall can be arranged by calling Town Hall at 520-689-5752

  The Town of Superior encourages and recommends that everyone continue to practice physical distancing, wash your hands regularly, avoid touching your face, and wear a mask as often as possible.