Graduating High School is a rite of passage that many Americans celebrate.  The ceremony celebrates the ending of a person’s youth. It is the event that students look forward to, as it is a proving point that they are ready to enter into adult hood.  It is often the last time that a cohort of classmates will see each other before they venture off to their adult lives.  

  The Superior Unified School District will host a physical distanced graduation on Friday, May 22, at the Manny Ruiz Gym.  The event is only open to the graduates, two guests per graduate, faculty the governing board and administration.  The ceremony will be live streamed on Facebook via the Superior Unified School District Facebook page.  Copper Area News and other local pages will share the live feed.  

  Immediately following the ceremony the graduates will participate in a parade that will leave from the school parking lot on Panther Drive and onto Main Street the community is encouraged to watch the parade from their vehicles and their homes as it travels through town. Each graduate will be announced at the Besich Park.  The parade will also be live streamed on Facebook.  The parade is being coordinated in conjunction with the Superior Optimist Club.

  At 8:45 p.m. there will be a fireworks display off of the Resolution Copper tailings in honor of the graduating class.  The 2019 Fourth of July fireworks were never displayed, the Town of Superior donated the fireworks to the class to recognize them for their academic achievements.  

  For more information, please contact the Superior High School Principal William Duarte at 520-689-3000.