On Saturday, May 16 a parade is being held for all current Senior 2020 graduates and eighth grade 2020 promoters, hosted by the Ray Bearcats Parent -Teacher Organization (PTO).
  Line-up will begin at 6:30 p.m. at the Kearny park. The parade will start from downtown Tilbury Drive and end uptown on Alden Road.  

    Contact Ray Bearcats PTO through email at raybearcatspto@gmail.com, or by phone at 520-366-4461 for information about joining or just enjoying the parade. The Ray Bearcats PTO is a non-profit organization and always looking for volunteers. Using the same information, contact them if you are interested in becoming a volunteer. 

  Melissa Day, Ray Bearcats PTO president said,  “The Ray Bearcats PTO have been making some changes with meeting schedules since the COVID-19 pandemic. Our attendance has decreased significantly, so we are trying to change dates and times of our meetings to increase attendance.” 

  Whether it is as a volunteer, graduate or simply an appreciative watcher, save the date for the parade and invest in some community pride.  Let’s make this next school year one to remember.
  Go Bearcats!