Anna Flores

  Earlier this year, Kearny Town Manager, Anna Flores announced that she would be retiring in May.  A diligent and steadfast leader, Anna has always had a passion for community service.  

  She credits her love for community service to her parents.  

  “They always encouraged us to serve our community,” she said.

  Anna has worked for the Town of Kearny for eight years, Originally, she started as the Town Clerk and then served for a year as the Interim Clerk/Manager for a year then she was hired as the Town Manager.  She has enjoyed her tenure with the Town, learning about all the facets of town operations, from water systems, infrastructure, economic development and the daily administration.  She worked under the leadership of the late former Mayor Sam Hosler and current Mayor Debra Sommers.  Prior to working for the Town of Kearny she worked for the Ray Unified School District and was the guidance Counselor at the Superior Junior-Senior High School.

  While reflecting back on her career with the Town of Kearny, she explained that her biggest accomplishment to date has been figuring our solutions to the water problems in Kearny.  She explained that the judge wanted a permanent solution to the water shortages with the Globe Equity Water District allocations.  

  “We focused and found a way to repair and the four water tanks that are not part of that allocation, she said. “I am really proud of that.”

  One of the attributes that has made Anna a stellar community servant is her gratitude for others.  Throughout her interview she shared her appreciation for the Mayor and Council, the staff and the community.  

  “Everyone has always been so supportive and I am going to miss working with all the different departments and agencies that have helped us,” she told the Copper Basin News.

  She is looking forward to spending more time with her family and enjoying her hobbies in her retirement.  

  “I am so grateful for my family. They have supported me throughout my entire career especially in my role as Town Manager,” she added.

  As a Town Manager, the job is often a 24/7 job.  There is always something to be working on or planning.  Many times a manager in a small town will wear several hats to ensure the Town is meeting its goals.  Fires, pandemics, infrastructure problems, the Town Manager is usually the person making sure the tasks get done. Anna explained that she will miss the busyness of managing the multiple projects such as USDA and CDBG grants and she will miss working on local programs like the Easter Egg Hunt and helping the Library and Senior Center.

  She attributes much of her success to education and her family putting a great emphasis on earning a degree. 

  “I was a late bloomer, but I completed my degree,” she said.  

  As Town Manager she never stopped learning, as the job required her to learn a lot about infrastructure, and how the water systems operated, and how to navigate through all the federal programs.  She is also a graduate of the first Hispanic Leadership Institute Copper Corridor program, and is a constant advocate encouraging others to attend their program and further their education. Her favorite projects were always with the library, because it is a special place for everyone.

  Her key to success on the job? “I was never afraid to ask questions or call another community to ask for more information,” she explained. 

  She is a lifelong resident of the Copper Basin and has been married to her husband, Tino Flores, for 42 years.  They have a daughter, two sons and four grandkids.  They can’t wait to spend more quality time together.  She also plans to remain active in the community as a member of the Infant Jesus of Prague Catholic Church, and serves an elected member of the Cobre Valley Institute of Technology.  She will maintain a position representing Kearny on the Pinal Regional Transportation Authority.

  Anna’s last day with the Town of Kearny will be Thursday, May 21.  The Kearny Town Council hired Jeff McCormick as the new Town Manager.  He started the position on May 4, which will give him time to learn the ropes from Anna.

  Copper Basin News wishes you the happiest of retirements, Anna!  You have been a pleasure to work with throughout your career and we will miss you!