Volunteers at Leo’s Market are ready to serve weekend food for children.

  “Where is the greatest need in our community?”  

  In response to COVID-19, Regenerating Sonora, a Superior based nonprofit, began hosting conference calls to ask the diverse community members for their answers to that question. 

  This approach led to the creation of Superior Community Action Network (Superior CAN). Teachers, parents, a local food bank leader and others participated, and the issue was raised that while the schools are giving out food Monday through Friday, there is a need for food on Saturday and Sunday, as well. 

   An agreement was formed to fix this problem and the Feeding Our Future Project was put into action as research into finding a reliable distribution source, forming a workable plan, and starting a fundraising campaign at GoFundMe. 
  The Superior Community got more involved. Bus drivers posted flyers and sharing information with parents on their routes. One driver posted on social media, inspiring 33 others to share. Inspired by the project, a community member stepped in to help and share videos, boosting views and shares. Save Money Market donated plastic bags, gloves and cups. VFW Auxiliary Post 3584 helped pack food bags. Even the students got involved, with the Junior/Senior High Youth Council jumping in to help with distribution. In addition, 55 donors helped raise money. 

  On Saturday, May 2, volunteers and those they were working to help met at Leo’s, from 11 a.m. – noon, to provide the youth of Superior with food for the final weekends of the school year. 74 bags were distributed to 27 families and 296 meals were provided.  

   What now? Two more weekends until school ends, allowing the community two more opportunities to help or seek help. Plus, SuperiorCan held another meeting on Tuesday, May 5,  to discuss possibilities of providing meals during the summer.

   To volunteer or donate, send an email to letstalk@regeneratingsonora.org. If you are looking for help to feed your children, there is no need to call ahead or email. Just show up at Leo’s, located at 52 N. Pinal Ave, with the children you need to feed. Pull up and pop the trunk and a weekend bag of food will be placed inside for each citizen 18 years and under that you have with you. For those who need to walk, Leo’s is prepared to follow social distancing measures while safely making sure your child gets their weekend bag, too.

Chris Casillas, a volunteer with SuperiorCAN, told the Superior Sun in an email, “We’d like to highlight the bus drivers who helped spread the word and the community at large for coming together to help out.”

This is another wonderful instance of where Kindness Counts.

Editor’s Note: Thank you, Chris Casillas, for providing such wonderful photos.